
Kids' Class Back at Upstream

After a long hiatus, the Upstream kids’ program is back! We missed our young grapplers so much during Covid-19 closures. With both instructors fully vaccinated and guidelines relaxing, we finally have kids’ class again. Classes are every Monday and Thursday for 4:45-5:45 in the gi for ages 5-13. Be on the look out for more classes coming this fall!


Upstream Kids growing strong!

Our kids’ program at Upstream BJJ has really been growing! We are excited to announce we are now accepting children from 4 years old. Kids’ class is every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6 pm. Monday and Tuesday classes are in the gi, while Thursday is no gi for the kids. Bring your child in today to learn discipline, teamwork and of course jiu jitsu, in a friendly but challenging environment. We offer membership and block class options to suit any busy school schedule.
